Welcome to MRCAWTM
Center For Advance Water Technology & Management
accredited by CGWA, GOI on 1st Oct 2021 for next 5 years
Water is elixir for life on earth. The human civilization initiated and thrived along the water courses. Out of the total water resources in Earth, only 3% is fresh, of which 1% remans in rivers, lakes and swamps, while 30% remains below the surface as ground water. The remaining 69% is locked as glacier and ice cap. India accounts for 18% of world population but holds only 4% of global freshwater resources. Agriculture consumes 78% of total water withdrawal, 8% goes to industry and power, while the remaining 6% is consumed by domestic sector. For sustainable management of water resource, we must relook and reorient the existing practices and governess policies in India.

“Clean water for all, forever”
Working Team
Overarching leadership
Dr N C Wadhwa,
ED & Dean Research
Dr Sarita Sachdeva,
Professor, Biotechnology
Chair Professor
Dr Dipankar Saha,
Former Member CGWB
Dr Arunangshu Mukherjee,
Professor & Head, ES&E & Former Scientist, CGWB
Deputy Director
Ms Shena Rai,
Assistant Professor, ES&E, FET, MRIIRS
Prof(Dr) Nidhi Didwania
Prof Brijesh Kumar
Dr H S Saini
Research Associates
Sh Sandeep Punia
Alifia Ibkar
Field Research Team
Barmer, Ballabhgarh, Khol-Rewari, Palwal and Panchkula
Major Areas of Work:
- R&D Studies
- Technical Interventions
- Training and Capacity Building
- Outreach Programs
- Product and Innovation


Central Ground Water Board

Geovale Services

Kisan Sanchar

TERI School of Advanced Studies

NAM Science & Technology Center

Global Hydrogeological Solutions

National Institute of Urban Affairs

Municipal Corporation of Faridabad

Advisory Body
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Er A B Pandya
Secretary General ICID

Sh Sunil Kumar
Chairman CGWB & CGWA

Prof David Polya
Associate Dean of Internationalization, Uni of Manchester, UK

Prof Sekhar Muddu
IISc, Bengaluru

Prof Ashish Pandey
HOD, WRDM Dept, IIT Roorkee

Sh S Marwaha
Member, HRWA

Dr Pawan Labsetwar
Principal Scientist, NEERI NAGPUR

Dr Bhoop Singh
Former Scientist G & Head NRDMS, DST